
Maihueniopsis glomerata var. russelii `Portrerillos', "Mound Cholla", Mendoza, Argentina, 4800 feet, 15"H x 24"W
Description: Short spines on small cylindrical, loosely attached stems form low dense mounds. Flowers rich yellow with deep red stigmas.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Maihueniopsis glomerata var. russelii `Villavicencio', "Mound Cholla", Mendoza, Argentina, 6100 feet, 15"H x 24"W
Description: More spiny cylindric, loosely attached stems form low compact mounds. Flowers brownish yellow with red stigmas. 
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia woodsii `Wildfire', "Scarlet Zion Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 4600 feet, 24"H x 72"W
Description: Large mat forming type with individual pads up to 8 inches long. Flowers reddish orange followed by nice edible fruits.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can endure short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $15.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $21.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea `Lincoln', "Grizzly Bear Pricklypear", Lincoln Co., NV, 4100 feet, 24"H x 36"W
Description: Dense, hair like spines nearly obscure the pads form upright spreading mats. Flowers bright pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea (Inyo), "Grizzly Bear Pricklypear", Inyo Co., CA, 6800 feet, 24"H x 36"W
Description: Dense, hair like spines nearly obscure the pads and form upright spreading mats. Flowers light yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Triple Crown', "Plains Pricklypear", Lincoln Co., ID, 4700 feet, 8"H x 48"W
Description: Small pads form low mats. Flowers opening bright yellow with outstanding fading colors of orange and rusty red.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part. Plants do best with some afternoon shade to avoid any potential sunburning.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Seven pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Snake River Rose', `Plains Pricklypear', Elmore Co., ID, 3000 feet, 8"H x 48"W
Description: Thicker white spines on flat top pads form tight mats. Flowers silky pink fade into reddish centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Snake River Orange', "Plains Pricklypear", Elmore Co., ID, 3000 feet, 10"H x 48"W
Description: Thick, flat topped pads form tight mats. Flowers with a unique shade of orange, fading to red or pinkish colors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Six pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Rainbow Delight', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co., ID, 6500 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Longer white spines on small pads. Flowers very rare light multicolored pink, orange & yellow. 
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Seven pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia polyacantha `Pink Supernova', `Plains Pricklypear', Lincoln Co., ID, 4700 feet, 10"H x 48"W
Description: Dense white spines on small pads. Flowers double petaled light pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Orange Tango', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co, ID, 6500 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Thick white spines on small pads, forming low mats. Flowers variably light orange depending on sun exposure and heat factors.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `New Dawn', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co., ID, 6500 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Thick white spines on small pads form low mats. Flowers delicate light pink with a hint of orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Midnight Aurora', "Plains Pricklypear", Lincoln Co., ID, 4700 feet, 10"H x 36"W
Description: Semi erect spreading mats. Flowers vivid deep pink, up to 3.5 inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Lemonade Twist', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co., ID, 6500 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Small pads form low mats. Flowers opening yellow with fabulous fading colors of pink, orange & red hues.
Cold Hardiness: Z4b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Cassia Rainbow-Red', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co., ID, 6200 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Thicker needle spines on this form. Flowers red with pink edges larger than average, up to 4 inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Cassia Rainbow-Pink', "Plains Pricklypear", Cassia Co., ID, 6200 feet, 4"H x 24"W
Description: Smaller pads form tighter mats. Flowers light pink with hues of orange and yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia polyacantha `Canary Rose', `Plains Pricklypear', Cassia Co., ID, 6500 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Thick needle spines on small pads.  Flowers rich yellow with a hint of orange, fading through several shades of pink and orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z4b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Six pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Butter Rose', "Plains Pricklypear", Elmore Co., ID, 3000 feet, 6"H x 48"W
Description: More compact mats. Flowers light buttery yellow, fading to orange colors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha `Big Red', "Plains Pricklypear", Lincoln Co., ID, 4700 feet, 10"H x 48"W
Description: Semi upright growing, spreading mats. Large pinkish red flowers up to 4 or more inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

​Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia pinkavae `Vivid', "Arizona Strip Pricklypear", Coconino Co., AZ, 6350 feet, 6"H x 48"W
Description: Widely spaced thick white spines on small pads form low broad mats. Flowers vivid pink with light centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia phaeacantha X `Kaibab Red', "Brown-spine Pricklypear", Coconino Co., AZ, 6200 feet, 18"H x 72"W
Description: Larger padded hybrid form. Flowers also larger than average, up to 4 inches in diameter, red with pink edges.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia polyacantha var. trichophora, "Eastern Grizzly Bear Pricklypear", Santa Fe Co., NM, 6500 feet, 5"H x 24"W
Description: Ex. David Salman's favorite form with fine hair like spines on small pads. Small light yellow flowers with contrasting outer sepals.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia phaeacantha `Kaibab Pink', "Brown-spine Pricklypear", Coconino Co., AZ, 6200 feet, 12"H x 72"W
Description: Short white to light gold spines on medium sized pads form large mats. Flowers light pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia macrocentra (Socorro), "Purple Pricklypear", Socorro Co., NM, 5000 feet, 24"H x 60"W
Description: Original collection by Jeff Thompson at the northern most occurrence in Socorro County, New Mexico. Medium powder blue pads can turn purple under drought or cold stress.  Flowers yellow with red throats fade to orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia macrocentra X (Eddy), "Purple Pricklypear", Eddy Co., NM, 4100 feet, 18"H x 60"W
Description: Intermediate hybrid form the Roswell area. Flowers rich yellow with deep red centers, fading to orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Six pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia lindheimeri var. subarmata, "Devils River Texas Pricklypear", Val Verde Co., TX, 1500 feet, 48"H x 72"W
Description: Jumbo sized spineless pads form large upright spreading mats. Flowers light yellow with orange streaks fading to orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer. Usually the last of the pricklypears to flower.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $15.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $21.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia gilvescens `Veyo', "Bajada Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 4800 feet, 36"H x 72"W
Description: Large padded plants form broad, semi erect spreading mats. Flowers yellow with light orange centers fade to orange late in the day.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $15.50 each, Rooted cutting - $21.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia fragilis `Siskiyou', "Fragile Pricklypear", Siskiyou Co., CA, 2700 feet, 5"H x 24"W
Description: Larger form with thumb sized pads and longer light yellow to brownish spines. Flowers light yellow with red stamens.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia fragilis `Jackson', "Fragile Pricklypear", Jackson Co., OR, 2500 feet, 4"H x 18"W
Description: Small cylindric pads form tight spreading mats. Flowers light yellow. 
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia columbiana `Spiny Quarters', "Columbia River Pricklypear", Owyhee Co., ID, 3600 feet, 3"H x 12"W
Description: Small, rounded, quarter size pads form low spreading mats. Flowers yellow with red stamens, fading to orange late in the day.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia columbiana `Little Stars', "Columbia River Pricklypear", Owyhee Co., ID, 3400 feet, 5"H x 18"W
Description: Small elongated pads form low spreading mats. Flowers opening yellow, fading orange to rusty red as the day progresses.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia basilaris `Mojave Giant', "Beavertail Pricklypear", Nye Co., NV, 6000 feet, 10"H x 36"W
Description: In cultivation, the pads of this form can approach nearly a foot in length. Flowers neon pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia basilaris `Mojave Blue', "Beavertail Pricklypear", Lincoln Co., NV, 4000 feet, 8"H x 24"W
Description: Spineless powdery blue pads, forming low spreading mats. Flowers bright pink. 
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-9a, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection. 
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia azurea var. diplopurpurea, "Diploid Purple Pricklypear", Brewster Co., TX, 4100 feet, 10"H x 60"W
Description: Powdery blue small to medium sized pads often turn purple from heat or cold stress. Flowers light yellow with dark red centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Virgin River Rainbow', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 12"H x 48"W
Description: Small to medium sized pads form low sprawling mats. Flowers variably pink with orange and red tones up to 4 inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Salmon', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 6"H x 36"W
Description: Smaller pads form low sprawling mats. Flowers variably salmon colored depending on sun exposure  & heat factors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Red Canyon', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Coconino Co., AZ, 5300 feet, 18"H x 48"W
Description: Small to medium sized pads form semi erect, sprawling mats. Flowers red with pink edges. 
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Pink Passion', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 12"H x 48"W
Description: Small to medium sized pads form low sprawling mats. Flowers silky pink up to four inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part. 
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Peach', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 12"H x 48"W
Description: Small to medium pads form low sprawling mats. Flowers variably orange depending on sun exposure & heat factors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b, this form slightly less hardy than most.
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia aurea X `Morning Glow', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 8"H x 48"W
Description: Elongated smaller pads form low sprawling mats. Flowers light yellow to near white.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia aurea X `Blush', "Hybrid Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Washington Co., UT, 5200 feet, 18"H x 48"W
Description: Bright green, larger pads form large open mats. Flowers variably light pink depending on sun exposure & heat factors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia whipplei `Yavapai', "Whipple's Cholla", Yavapai Co., AZ, 5000 feet, 48"H x 48"W
Description: Low to medium sized woody shrubs. Greenish yellow flowers larger than average.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia whipplei `Enterprise Gold', "Whipple's Cholla", Washington Co., UT, 5700 feet, 24"H x 48W
Description: Dense straw yellow spines on low woody shrubs. Flowers greenish yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia viridiflora, "Santa Fe Cholla", Santa Fe Co., NM, 7000 feet, 36"H x 48"W
Description: Short statured woody shrubs with greenish orange flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia spinosior `Silver City', "Cane Cholla", Grant Co., NM, 5500 feet, 84"H x 60"W
Description: Fast growing large woody shrubs can grow up to nearly two feet per year. Showy magenta flowers open widely.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $13.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $18.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

​Cylindropuntia imbricata `Rio Arriba Giant', "Tree Cholla", Rio Arriba Co., NM, 7000 feet, 60"H x 60"W
Description: This form larger in all aspects with extra thick stem segments and silky magenta flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Six pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia imbricata `Colorado White', "Tree Cholla", El Paso Co., CO, 6000 feet, 48"H x 48"W
Description: Smaller statured shrubs with rare greenish white flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-8b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia imbricata `Colorado Slim', "Tree Cholla", Pueblo Co., CO, 5000 feet, 48"H x 48"W
Description: A near dwarf form with smaller stem segments ideal for smaller gardens. Flowers smaller as well but more vivid pink with a hint of red.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia imbricata `Donahue's Select', "Tree Cholla", ex. garden cultivation, 72"H x 60"W
Description: Large woody shrubs with short white spines. Larger than average pink flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia echinocarpa `Silver Fox', "Silver Cholla", Gold Cholla", Lincoln Co., NV, 5000 feet, 72"H x 60"W
Description: This form with dense silvery spines with a hint of red, especially on new growth. Flowers greenish yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa `Gunlock', "Buckhorn Cholla", Washington Co., UT, 3600 feet, 72"H x 72"W
Description: Short straw yellow spines on skinny stem segments form large woody shrubs in age. This form with orange flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection. 
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Opuntia aurea `Kanab Blue', "Utah Beavertail Pricklypear", Kane Co., UT, 5500 feet. 8"H x 48"W
Description: Spineless bluish gray pads, forming low sprawling mats. Flowers pure yellow, fading to light orange.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
2 offers, Unrooted cutting - $8.50 each, Rooted cutting, shipped bare root - $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Geoscape Desert Nursery
Cold hardy cactus, succulents, and perennials for the rock gardening enthusiast.
1-208-884-1251 ( voice mail )
[email protected]

Cactus page 1, Cholla & Pricklypears, Last updated 3/11/25
  Spring 2025 Plant List:
  - Seasonal shipping for live plants will resume the 2nd week of April. Starting in 2025 I'll begin shipping year round with the exception of fresh cuttings, which can only       be done during the growing season.
  - All prices include free USPS 1st Class or Priority Mail shipping.
  USA orders only.
  - Pop up shopping cart window. If you close it by accident, click on another buy button to reopen, then readjust quantity.
  > = Denotes new list items since last major update.

   $18 minimum on plant orders. Thank you.
  Memo: $18 minimum on plant orders. Thank you.

Opuntia x `Majestic', Washington Co., UT, 4000 feet, 10"H x 60"W
Description: Intermediate hybrid form with medium sized pads and few thick upper spines. Jumbo sized vivid pink flowers up to five inches in diameter.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a, Plants can endure short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, Unrooted cutting for $13.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Opuntia chlorotica (dwarf form), "Pancake Pricklypear", Coconino Co., AZ, 5300 feet, 48"H x 48"W
Description: A rare high elevation dwarf form occurring in Pinyon-Juniper woodlands on a steep south facing slope. Plants are relatively short statured and pads smaller compared to their more southern, open desert counterparts. Flowers yellow with orange streaks occur later than most other Opuntia.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a. This population with regular snow and freezing during winter and has endured 0 F in my trials with little to no damage.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail, This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, Unrooted cutting for $18.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.