Spring 2025 Plant List:
  - Seasonal shipping for live plants will resume the 2nd week of April. Starting in 2025 I'll begin shipping year round.
  - All prices include free USPS 1st Class or Priority Mail shipping.
  USA orders only.
  - Pop up shopping cart. If you close the window by accident, click on another buy button to reopen, then readjust quantity.
  > = Denotes new list items since last major update.

  $18 minimum on plant orders. Thank you.


Echinocereus russanthus var. vulpis-cauda, ex. AP 74917.02, Jeff Davis Co., TX, 6000 feet, 12"H x 3"W
​Description: Tall single stemmed plants with dense red & white spines. Small tubular flowers of cinnamon red along the sides of the stem.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling plant, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Echinocereus X roetteri `Rosei - Red', ex. JRT 582, Otero Co., NM, 4000 feet, 12"H x 24"W
Description: Dense needle spines on tight forming clumps.  Flowers variably bright red with orange or pinkish overtones, occasionally multicolored.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full to part. Plants do best with some filtered afternoon shade to avoid any potential sunburning.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, coming soon. Only thumbnail available.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. perbellus (beckham), ex. JRT 210, Beckham Co., OK, 2000 feet, 6"H x 8"W
Description: Short spines of variable white, brown or yellow tones with banding on small clumping stems. Flowers magenta.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. perbellus (barber) `Lace Cactus', ex. JRT 301, Barber Co., KS, 1700 feet, 6"H x 8"W
Description: Short black & white spines with a hint of red on small clumping stems. Magenta flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a, Far northern population one of the hardiest.
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail, two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. caespitosus `camanchensis', ex. JRT 221, Kiowa Co., OK, 1500 feet, 8"H x 10"W
Description: Extra tight pectinate flat to recurved white spines on small stems that clump in age. Variably pink to magenta flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. caespitosus (white), ex. JRT 214, Johnston Co., OK, 1500 feet, 8"H x 10"W
Description: Flat to recurved pure white spines on this form on small stems that clump in age. Flowers variably pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. caespitosus (yellow), "Lace Cactus", ex. JRT 413, Young Co., TX, 1100 feet, 8"H x 10"W
Description: Flat to recurved yellow brownish spines on this form with small stems that clump in age. Flowers variably pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. baileyi `Longispinus', ex. JRT 222, Comanche Co., OK, 1500 feet, 12"H x 18"W
Description: Extra long spines of mostly orange to white on short columnar stems that clump in age. Flowers variably pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. baileyi `Varispina', ex. JRT 223, Comanche Co., OK, 1500 feet, 12"H x 18"W
Description: Spines highly variable in this population, mostly dark to light orange with mixed white or black. Flowers variably pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. 
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, coming soon. Only thumbnail available.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albispinus, "Lace Cactus", ex. JRT 227, Johnston Co., OK, 900 feet,  8"H x 12"W
Description: Reddish tinted spines on this form on small clustering stems. Flowers light pink with orangey centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albispinus (Troy), ex. MG 250.52, Johnston Co., OK, 900 feet, 8"H x 12"W
Description: Short dense white spines on small clustering stems. Flowers light pink with orangey centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus corellii, ex. MG 190.66, Brewster Co., TX, 4200 feet, 12"H x 3"W
Description: Tall single stems with dense gold pectinate spines, occasionally with white and red colors. Small tubular green flowers ageing to brownish colors along the sides of the stem.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus coccineus `Scarlet Glory', ex. cultivation, Otero Co., NM, 5000 feet, 12"H x 24"W
Description: Ash gray needle spines on robust stems form dense clumps. Flowers bright red with yellow centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus coccineus var. gurneyi, ex. JRT 432, Pecos Co., TX, 4700 feet, 24"H x 48"W
Description: Short gray and black spines on robust stems forming large clumps in age. Flowers scarlet orange with lighter centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Geoscape Desert Nursery
Cold hardy cactus, succulents, and perennials for the rock gardening enthusiast.
1-208-884-1251 ( voice mail )
[email protected]

Cactus, page 2 - Barrel & Hedgehog Cacti, Last updated 3/11/25
   Memo: $18 minimum on plant orders. Thank you.

Echinocereus X roetteri `Rosei - Orange', ex. AP 12649.28 , Otero Co., NM, 5300 feet, 12"H x 24"W
Description: Dense spines on tight forming clumps. Flowers variably orange to occasionally pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full to part. Plants do best with some filtered afternoon shade to avoid any potential sunburning.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling plant, shipped bare root for $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
> Echinocereus X lloydii `Brewster's Wildcard', "Lloyd's Hedgehog", ex. MG 221.4, Brewster Co., TX, 24"H x 10"W
Description: Robust columnar plants, mostly solitary to occasionally offsetting or branching. Large colorful flowers up to 4 inches in diameter and variably pink to orange colors. Spines short, mostly white, brown or reddish colors with some banding
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail, this will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.

Echinocereus reichenbachii var. castaneus `Llano Giant', ex. JRT 422. Llano Co., TX, 1800 feet, 10"H x 12"W
Description: Multicolored spines of white, brown and rusty orange colors on robust clumping stems. Flowers jumbo sized, can be up to 5 inches in diameter though most are 3.5 to 4 inches across and can vary in size from year to year.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b. Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to long periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid to late spring.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail, four pictures.
1 offer, 2-4 inch seedling plants, shipped bare root for $12.50 each.

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus `Sandoval', ex. MG 260.6, Sandoval Co., NM, 12"H x 36"W
Description: Huge mound forming type in age. Red flowers attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to early summer.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. One picture.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus `Torrance', ex. MG 262, Torrance Co., NM, 15"H x 24"W
Description: Robust, taller stems with fewer, thick spines. Red flowers attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to early summer
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Echinocereus triglochidiatus `White Sands', ex. MG 260.9, Otero Co., NM, 18"H x 36"W
Description: Popular garden form with robust stems and fast growth. Red flowers attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to early summer.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 2-3 inch seedling, shipped bare root, for $12.50 each

Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.