- Seasonal shipping for live plants will resume the 2nd week of April. Starting in 2025 I'll begin shipping year round.
- All prices include free USPS 1st Class or Priority Mail shipping.
- USA orders only.
- Pop up shopping cart. If you close the window by accident, click on another buy button to reopen, then readjust quantity.
> = Denotes new list items since last major update.
$18 minimum on plant orders. $12 for seed orders. Thank you.
Agave Care: Plants are vulnerable to freezing weather when small (less than 6 inches in diameter) and harden off rapidly as they mature. Cover small rosettes with clear plastic (extend out to at least 1 foot beyond the edge) during winter to avoid loss or minimize leaf spotting when excessive cold is forecasted. For zones 5,6 & 7 I recommend planting outdoors in early spring after the last frost has passed to get well established before the next winter. For zones 8, 9 etc. they can be planted anytime during the growing year. Flowering & Offsets: All species sold here produce numerous pups and can be removed quite readily if not desired. If transplanting, wait until pups are at least 3 inches in diameter (when they have enough of their own roots) before digging up. Mother plants stop producing pups about 1-2 years before flowering to save all energy for the massive flower stock, so be vigilant when pups stop appearing.
Agave parryi "Parry's Century Plant", 30"H x 36"W Coconino Co., AZ, 6800 feet
Description: Bluish medium rosettes, offsetting freely to form large colonies. One of the hardiest forms from the Flagstaff area.
Average Years to Flowering Maturity: 10-15 from available sized plants under garden conditions.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail image. This will open a new window. One picture.
1 offer: 1 gallon rosettes (5-7 inches) , shipped bare root for $25.00 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Yucca harrimaniae "Harriman's Yucca", 24" H x 24" W, Wayne Co., UT, 5100 feet
Description: Dark green small to medium rosettes forming short trunks in age with branching and pupping around the base.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. One picture.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (7-10 inches), shipped bare root for $20 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Yucca harrimaniae ( Mini ) "Harriman's Yucca", 20'H x 8" W, Wayne Co., UT, 5100 feet
Description: Intermediate miniature form nearly indistinguishable from nana. One of many hybrid populations occurring in SE Utah. Plants form short trunks in age and pup around the base.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Avoid shady areas.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. One picture.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (4-6 inches), shipped bare root for $20 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Yucca harrimaniae ( Medium ) "Harriman's Yucca", 36"H x 24"W, Carbon Co., UT, 5500 feet
Description: This population also with small rosettes but not quite as small as the "Mini" form above.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Avoid shady areas.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. One picture.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (5-7 inches), shipped bare root for $20 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Yucca toftiae "Toft's Yucca", "Glen Canyon Yucca", 24"H x 16"W, San Juan Co., UT, 4600 feet
Description: Long, thin, extra hairy leaves on small to medium rosettes sport tall inflorescences up to 10 or more feet in height.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-8b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. One picture.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (7-10 inches), shipped bare root, for $20 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Yucca baccata "Banana Yucca", 24"H x 36"W, Santa Fe Co., NM, 7000 feet
Description: Ex. David Salman collection from pink sepaled flowering population. Smaller statured, high mountain form.
Cold Hardiness: 5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link coming soon.
1 offer, 1 gallon size ( 5-7 inch rosettes), shipped bare root for $25 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Agave havardiana "Havard's Century Plant", 36"H x 48"W, Brewster Co., TX, 5000 feet
Description: Glass Mountains form with large rosettes of bluish leaves, thick recurved teeth and terminal spines.
Average Years To Flowering Maturity: 15-20 from available sized plants under garden conditions.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link coming soon.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (4-7 inches), shipped bare root for $25 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
Agave chrysantha 'Golden Flowered Century Plant", 36"H x 48"W, Gila Co., AZ, 4000 feet
Description: Medium rosettes with few to no offsets. Golden yellow flowers on tall stalks up to 15 or more feet in height at maturity.
Average Years To Flowering Maturity: 10-15 from available sized plants under garden conditions.
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods of intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link coming soon.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes (4-7 inches), shipped bare root for $25 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.
> Yucca brevifolia ( Blue ) "Joshua Tree", 120"H x 96"W, Yavapai Co., AZ, 3000 feet
Description: Blue leaved population on average sized plants
Cold Hardiness: Z7b-10b, this southern population about a zone less hardy than their northern counterparts.
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Avoid shady areas.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Flickr photo gallery link coming soon.
1 offer, 1 gallon rosettes ( 4-6 inches ), shipped bare root for $25 each.
Buy button will be here when shipping resumes spring 2025.