Description: Medium to large woody shrubs with thick, succulent like leaves. Flowers inconspicuous but mature into colorful seeds of red, pink or yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering time: Early spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Eriogonum fasciculatum "Eastern Mojave Buckwheat", 30'H x 36"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 4100 feet.
Description: Low to medium sized woody shrubs. Umbels pinkish white, fading to rusty colors.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a.
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Flowering Time: Early to late summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Eriogonum calcareum "Whitewoolly Buckwheat", 24" H x 24"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3100 feet
Description: Stiff woody cushions mature into short bonsai like mini trees. Extra tall umbels of yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid summer to early fall.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: The iconic and primary indicator plant of the Great Basin. Plants vary in size from low shrubs to small trees depending on soil type and moisture content.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late summer to fall.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. 2 Pictures.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Dalea purpurea "Violet Prairie Clover", 24"H x 24"W, ex. cultivation. Origin: widespread in central USA
Description: Low herbaceous plants from a thick rootstock. Spikes of bright pink to lavender a favorite of bees and butterflies.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Caesalpinia gilliesii "Yellow Bird of Paradise", 96"H x 96"W, ex. cultivation. Origin: Arid regions of western Argentina.
Description: Large bushes to small trees with tiny leaves. Large yellow flowers with long bright red staimens attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: 7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods on intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to fall.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Level, sandy loam.
Germination Code = WM (60-75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 25 seeds for $3.00.
Artemisia rigida "Scabland Sage", 24"H x 36"W, Grant Co., WA, 1000 feet
Description: Short to medium, winter deciduous shrubs. A good choice for smaller gardens and full sun.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late summer to fall.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ(32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Astragalus mollissimus var. thompsoniae "Woolly Milk-Vetch", 8"H x 10"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3500 feet
Description: Low branching tuffs from a taproot. Leaves with dense hair and racemes of purple pink.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily early to late spring, however additional flowers can appear if adequate moisture and cooler temperatures persist.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
Description: Low tight cushions of powdery, bluish green leaves. Variable colors in this population, creamy white, pinkish or yellow tinted umbels.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Cryptantha spiculifera "Snake River Cryptantha", 12"H x 8"H, Owyhee Co., ID, 3100 feet
Description: Low herbaceous tuffs of spiny leaves. Small white flowers on short stems.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Chaetopappa ericoides "Rose Heath", White Pine Co., NV, 6700 feet
Description: Low spreading mats from a taproot. White aster flowers in abundance.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however plants are opportunistic and will continue to flower if adequate moisture is available.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Camassia quamash var. utahensis "Camas", Gem Co., UT, 4100 feet
Description: Thick grassy tuffs from edible bulbs. Light lavender flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Level, sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Astragalus purshii var. glareosus "Woollypod Milk-Vetch", 2"H x 10"W, Gem Co., ID, 2800 feet
Description: This variety forming larger spreading mats from a taproot. Leaves small and hairy. Flowers on short terminal clusters held close to the leaves.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Sold out. Next availability expected summer 2025.
Allium parvum "Small Onion", Washington Co., ID, 3"H x 3"W, 3400 feet.
Description: Light pink flowers over inconspicuous leaf pairs. Plants go dormant in the heat of summer and resprout the following spring.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-8b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Sold out. No ETA.
Geoscape Desert Nursery
Cold hardy cactus, succulents, and perennials for the rock gardening enthusiast.
In all cases, seeds will only germinate in specific temperature ranges and will remain dormant until those conditions are met. These can be grouped into four categories (see individual listings for "Germination Code") with the first two needing at least 6-8 weeks of cold stratification (freeze/thawing) to stimulate germination and are best sown in fall just before the freezing nights begin. Germination begins once the temperatures start to rise back above freezing during the day on a regular basis in mid to late winter.
1. FZ 32-45 F Freezing weather germinating, best sown in fall. Seeds germinate on warmer winter days over the winter.
2. CW 45-60 F Cold weather germinating, best sown in fall. Seeds germinate near the end of winter as the ground begins to thaw out and days start to warm up more.
3. WM 60-75F Cool to warm weather germinating. Seeds can also be sown in fall but the seedlings can be lost if it gets too cold during the winter, therefore late winter sowing is recommended.
4. HW 75+ F Warm to hot weather germinating. Best sown in late spring to early summer. These seeds need persistent heat to germinate.
Spring 2025 Seed List
- All prices include free USPS 1st Class or Priority Mail shipping.
- USA orders only.
- Pop up shopping cart. If you close the window by accident, click on another buy button to reopen, then readjust quantity.
> = Denotes new list items since last major update.
$12 minimum on seed orders. Thank you.
Mentzelia torreyi var. acerosa "Snake River Blazing Star", 6"H x 10"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3400 feet
Description: Southern Idaho endemic with low mounds of rough sandpaper leaves from a taproot. Small orangey flowers.
Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however, plants are opportunistic and can produce additional flowers under garden conditions.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy gravel with a bit of loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window, Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Datura wrightii "Moonflower", 36"H x 48"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 3000 feet
Description: Large herbaceous mounds of leaves from a tuberous root stock. Large nocturnal flowers up to 5 inches in diameter pop open in late evening.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Flowering freely beginning in mid to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: Medium to low woody shrubs with sparkling succulent like leaves. New growth hardens and modifies into woody spikes. Flowers inconspicuous and aligned along new growth stems, primarily wind pollinated.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive in arid, sunbaked rocky slopes.
Flowering Time: Spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
Description: Low herbaceous plants with intensely mint scented leaves. Flowers white, attractive to a large number of bees, butterflies & hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: Z4a-7a,
Sun Exposure: Full to part.
Flowering Time: Early to late spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Level, sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo galley link, click on thumbnail. This will open in a new window. 5 pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Sold out. Next availability expected summer 2025.
> Hedeoma drummondii, "False Pennyroyal", 10"H x 10"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 5800 feet
Description: Low herbaceous mini shrubs from a small root crown. Tiny pink flowers in profusion line the stems. Leaves mint scented.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however, plants are opportunistic and can produce additional flowers under garden conditions.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Two pictures.
1 offer: 100 seeds seeds for $4.00
> Erigeron aphanactis "Great Basin Rayless Fleabane", 3"H x 4"W, Owyhee County, ID, 4200 feet
Description: Low, compact tuffs of hairy leaves. Flowers typically rayless but many plants in this population with short rays may represent a hybrid mix.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full to part sun. Most plants in habitat occur in between other, taller vegetation.
Flowering Time: Early spring to early summer.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Four pictures.
1 offer: 100 seeds for $4.00
> Astragalus beckwithii var. weiserensis "Beckwith's Milk-Vetch", 6"H x 15"W, Malheur Co., OR, 2700 feet
Description: Large sprawling plants from a woody taproot. This population with richly colored yellow pea flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Sharp draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. Three pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
> Acamptopappus shockleyi "Shockley's Goldenhead", 15"H x 24"W, Lincoln Co., NV 4900 feet
Description: Low woody shrubs with dense, angular branching. Leaves tiny and readily drought or winter deciduous. Small rayed yellow flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Drainage & Soil Mix: Elevated, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window, two pictures.